Hurly-Burly n° 6

hurly  6

The international Lacanian Journal of Psychoanalysis
Revue en anglais. Deux numéros par an.

 Jacques-Marie Emile Lacan 1901-1981
Jacques Lacan, Overture to the First International Encounter of the Freudian Field
Françoise Giroud, Do You Know Lacan?
François Regnault, “I Was Struck by What You Said…”
Catherine Lazarus-Matet & Françis Leguil, Lacan at Sainte-Anne
Alain Merlet, Lacan, The Doctor  
Jacques-Alain Miller, Lacan, The Teacher  

 Event/Anchor – London 2011
Pierre Naveau, The Desire of the Analyst  
Luc Vander Vennet, Words That Hit Home 
Anne Béraud, The Ogre and the Engine
Victoria Woollard, “Don’t Shout!” 
Roger Litten, When the Unconscious Gives its Response
Epaminondas Theodoridis, One Operation Against Another
Susana Huler, A Man in Reverse
Sandra Cisternas, “Hello! I’m Here!” 
Leonardo Gorostiza, Jouissance and Its Meteors

 The Couch
Anne Lysy, Introduction to a Debate 
Patricia Bosquin-Caroz, Dizziness
Guy Briole, Gazes
Sonia Chiriaco, Forcing One’s “I-Don’t-Want-to-Know-Anything-About-it”
Pierre-Gilles Guéguen et al., Discussion and Debate 

Event/Horizon – Tel-Aviv 2012
Jacques-Alain Miller,  Reading a Symptom

Studies – Speaking in Tongues
Éric Laurent, Private Language, Private Jouissance
Herbert Wachsberger, The Child on Tape 
Susanne Hommel, Lalangue is Being Beaten  

Hypermodern Times
J.H. Prynne, Introduction to a Reading of “Refuse Collection” and To Pollen
Clotilde Leguil, Love and Discontent in Twenty-First Century Civilisation
Jacques-Alain Miller, Four More Press Cuttings From the French Media